do you believe in love, darling?
no, i believe in attraction.
you’re probably thinking that i’m a pessimist.
i think there’s a difference
being a pessimist
versus a non-believer.
because there are some people who
simply don’t believe
and others who spend their whole lives
searching for a reason to
yeah, well that’s because it’s one thing to believe
and another to experience
but what do you think happens
when you take faith
and pump it with devotion?
i call it taking a chance.
even when the odds are less forgiving.
isn’t that just trust?
maybe. maybe it’s just a way of saying
we’ll figure it out along the way.
but in a world of seven billion
there’s no human who will only bloom for one
because springs come and go but the
coral orange tulips will bloom the same
maybe so, but isn’t it better?
to twirl under the stars until you’re dizzy
one night, rather than not at all.
and what do you call that?
allowing yourself to be loved, perhaps
what about you, then
do you believe in love?
i believe in us.
[Image via NPR]