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Reader Write-In!

Holly Holton

Dear Maddie and Victoria,

I live in Bethesda and this boy that I like lives in Leesburg, VA. We have been snapchatting for a while and want to meet up. I want him to come to Markoff’s Haunted Forest with me and my friends on Saturday, but it’s too far for him. What should I do?


Leesburg Lover

Hey, Leesburg Lover! This is a tough situation, but you’re in luck because we’re going to help you find a solution. We think you need to reason with him. Ask him to come to Markoff’s this time, and then next time you can meet him somewhere in Leesburg. Maybe he is concerned about driving that far at night. If that is the case, he can take an Uber to maintain his and his parents’ peace of mind. If he is not willing to go that far to see you, maybe this snapchat relationship was never destined to be. Find a cutie pie who’s willing to do that drive!

Xoxo, Maddie and Victoria

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